Start Your Journey To Zero Emissions Today

Power sustainable shipping and freight procurement with ShipstaPLANET. You can measure your Co2 emissions and reduce your transport carbon footprint.

SHIPSTA eProcurement
Set the baseline for your sustainable strategy

If you want to reduce your transport carbon footprint, you need an accurate baseline to measure from.

ShipstaPLANET’s intelligent sustainability software instantly calculates the Co2 emissions for your current lanes – so you can build a realistic strategy based on your actual data that gets real results.

Gain instant visibility into your carbon emissions with the ShipstaPLANET Dashboard

The ShipstaPLANET dashboard gives you unrivalled visibility into your carbon emissions, so you can instantly see which transport types, lanes and specific shipments negatively impact your carbon footprint.

Would you like to display your CO2 data in the form of a diagram or a table? The integrated analysis tool creates easy-to-understand graphics, diagrams or tables based on your data. Reports can thus be created in just a few clicks.

SHIPSTA eProcurement
SHIPSTA eProcurement
Seamlessly integrate sustainability targets into your procurement strategy

Don’t settle for disconnected sourcing tools. Align your procurement and sustainability strategy on our all-in-one platform.

By incorporating emissions data into SHIPSTA’s automated workflows and AI-driven decisioning tools, ShipstaPLANET enables logistics teams to make more informed transport purchases and build sustainability into their freight sourcing and procurement strategy without incurring any administrative burden.

ShipstaPLANET Features

Freight Calculator

✓ Real-time Co2 calculation on shipment/lane level ✓ ShipstaPLANET customized report ✓ Automated recommendations for sustainable carriers

Discover more features

Rate Management

Manage your freight rates with agility in our cloud-based rate management system.

Freight Tendering

Create RfQs in less than six minutes on our global sourcing and procurement platform.

Spot Tendering

Make spot freight tendering fast and easy on our all-in-one intelligent procurement platform.